Women in Business: How Leaders Can Manage Anxiety Effectively

In 2020, the year of Covid and self-isolation, the number of cases of anxiety has skyrocketed. by 25%. The decline in social interaction and the looming virus meant that very few people’s well-being remained at pre-Covid levels, but this jump was not as unexpected as you might think. In fact, anxiety was on the rise long before Covid hit. Even now, as the world begins to return to normal, this is still a huge problem for many people around the world, and the number of cases continues to rise.

If you’re a female leader struggling with anxiety – post-Covid or otherwise – you’re definitely not alone. To help you get over this and shine in the workplace, here are some of the best tips on how to talk about your anxiety about who’s boss.

Make room for worry

When you’re in a leadership position, some days you don’t even have time for a cup of coffee, let alone worrying thoughts. So you push them away. You push them into the background and try to focus as much as possible on the current tasks. But that doesn’t cure your anxiety, it just leaves it to fester and grow.

It’s important that you take the time to deal with worrying thoughts when they arise so that this doesn’t happen. You may want to take five minutes of silence to sit with your thoughts and implement a survival strategy. On days when there is too much of everything, making room for worry can even mean half a day. Your career is important, but no to-do list is worth risking your mental health. Also, no matter how often you push anxiety away, if you don’t deal with it, it will keep coming back again and again!

Seek Professional Anxiety Treatment

If you’re struggling to find time to deal with your anxiety or it’s getting debilitating, consider seeking out professional anxiety treatment. A qualified therapist can help you overcome your anxious thoughts and feelings. From identifying the source of your problem to dealing with negative behavior patterns, this is undoubtedly the best way to improve your well-being.

Making an appointment also ensures that you continue to work on the problem. If you have a date and time planned in your diary, you are unlikely to push them away. Sign up for treatment and put self-care first.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

The lifestyle of many women leaders is a goldmine for anxiety. Lack of sleep, fast food on the go, and very little downtime will all fuel your problem and keep it growing. If you want to take care of your mental health, you need to rethink your daily routine.

By setting boundaries, you can create a healthier, less anxiety-inducing lifestyle. If someone asks for a 7:00 a.m. meeting, for example, say no and offer an alternative time that allows you to sleep in and properly separate work and home. Make healthy eating a priority, and when you’re not working, turn off email and keep your phone on silent so you can relax properly.

A “get up and go” attitude that leaves no room for self-care is not sustainable. Creating a healthy work-life balance is vital not only to keep anxiety at bay, but also to keep you from burning out.

Address your anxious thoughts

In most cases, anxious thoughts are completely irrational. Your mind is spinning out of control, causing you to panic about something that you don’t really need to panic about.

When you feel the first bouts of anxiety, sit down and ask yourself: “What really worries me?” Sometimes this can be enough to put the problem into perspective and calm your fears.

Other times, you may find that the thought makes you panic. In these situations, remind yourself that worrying will get you nowhere. However, action can Is there anything you can do to reduce anxiety and prepare for the situation? If you worried about speechfor example, practicing in front of a colleague or writing down a few notes may be enough to put your mind at ease.

Addressing your anxieties and breaking them is much better than pushing them away. Sometimes a little perspective and planning can do wonders for a mind that is out of control.

Find coping mechanisms that work for you

While addressing your thoughts is great when you know what’s wrong, many people can experience anxiety for no clear reason. In such situations, it is especially important to have coping mechanisms that will help you calm down. Some of the most common anxiety coping techniques for anxiety sufferers include:

  • aromatherapy
  • Deep and focused breathing
  • Exit to nature
  • Writing down your thoughts
  • I’m going for a run

Not all of them will work for everyone, and it may take a while before you find something that puts you at ease. If you’re struggling, talk to a professional who can help you find the right coping mechanisms.

Surround yourself with a support team

As a leader, you know how important your team is. This applies not only to developing your brand or promoting your business, but also to providing support. When you feel unwell, you can count on the help of your team.

Having staff that can stand in for you when you need time off is very important, especially for people with mental health issues. When your anxiety flares up and you need to take a break, at least one person (preferably more) on your team should take over without fuss. No drama, no questions: just ready to go when you need them.

It’s also important that you can be honest with your closest team. You don’t have to tell everyone you work with that you’re worried, but having your inner circle know about it will take away a lot of the stress.

Final words

Anxiety is not easy to manage in a managerial position and can quickly get in the way of your work. But we hope that with these tips it will be easier for you to start your journey towards overcoming anxious thoughts and become a female leader we all know that you are.

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