How to get tested for OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (commonly abbreviated as OCD) is a behavioral disorder that affects three quarters of a million people in the UK Anytime. However, this number is likely a gross underestimate given that many people go their entire lives without seeking an OCD diagnosis, let alone treatment. In addition, the impact is even greater when you consider that OCD sufferers typically include at least one loved one in their compulsions.

Fortunately, we have made significant progress in our understanding of this once incurable disease.

Today, there are extensive and accurate diagnostic tools to help test for OCD. But it’s not as easy as you think.

What is OKR? Definition and symptoms

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the “gold standard” for diagnosing mental illness, classifies OCD as a chronic anxiety disorder. He characterizes OCD with two overarching symptoms:

  1. Obsessions are repetitive and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are usually intrusive and unwanted. These intrusive thoughts often cause great anxiety and distress and make it difficult to focus on anything else. Consequently, the person will try to suppress and neutralize such thoughts with other thoughts or actions.
  2. Compulsions are repetitive, borderline ritual actions that a person is forced to perform in response to intrusive thoughts. These compulsive actions provide temporary relief from anxious thoughts. However, in reality, they only perpetuate the OCD cycle.

While obsessions and compulsions usually coexist, a person with OCD may experience one or the other.

The determining factor that distinguishes normal obsessions from compulsions is the severity and persistent nature of these symptoms. Obsessions and compulsions are part of human nature, but most people can dismiss them as isolated cases.

However, a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder is physically and mentally unable to get rid of these obsessions and compulsions. That being said, however, OCD is a spectrum; some people are completely affected by it, while others learn to mask their symptoms.

In addition, OCD usually co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, addictionas well as eating and sleeping disorders.

What are the types of OCD?

The symptoms of OCD are usually classified as obsessions and compulsions. Interestingly, however, these obsessions and compulsions can take different forms in different people. In other words, different OCD patients may obsess over different things and exhibit unique compulsive behaviors.

Therefore, OCD is a very case-specific disorder that manifests itself in endless ways.

Accordingly, the various subtypes of OCD delineate the subject matter of obsessions and compulsions.

Generally, people name four main categories of OCD:

  1. Fouling and Flushing OCD
  2. OKR check
  3. OCD symmetry
  4. OCD Forbidden Thoughts

However, there are many other subtypes of OCD, including:

  • OCD in relationships
  • Accumulation of OKR
  • Sensorimotor/Somatic OCD
  • Religious OCD
  • OCD sexual orientation
  • Pure OKR
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

This list is by no means exhaustive.

Note: It is very common for different subtypes of OCD to occur at the same time.

Is there a test for OCD?

When we suffer from physical ailments, doctors usually take blood samples or do a scan. With these tests, they can track down the cause of your illness and make an appropriate diagnosis.

However, OCD has no traceable, definitive cause.

Although experts have several theories, they have yet to determine the cause of OCD. Moreover, everyone has a different OCD experience; there is no single list of symptoms that you can mark as a test.

Of course, some online OCD Tests Can Help You Decide Whether You Should Seek Professional Help. But that’s the point; after all, only a trained professional can properly and accurately diagnose OCD.

How is OCD diagnosed?

The process of diagnosing OCD is long and complicated. Unfortunately, there is no blood test, brain scan, or universal questionnaire that can help you test for or diagnose OCD.

Instead, diagnosing OCD involves several sessions with your therapist, who will conduct systematic “interviews”. During these sessions, your therapist will ask you several questions to determine the nature and extent of your obsessions and compulsions.

What’s more, these questions are based on the OCD criteria outlined in DSM 5, the most comprehensive guide to diagnosing mental health.

By participating in these challenging interviews with you, your therapist hopes to achieve the following:

  • Identify your specific obsessions or “subtype” of OCD. Because OCD obsessions are individual and unique, it’s possible that your obsessions don’t fall into any predefined category.
  • Identify your compulsive or ritualistic behavior, which is also case specific and unique. This behavior temporarily soothes the emotional turmoil of your obsessions. Therefore, what might comfort someone else with OCD may not comfort you.
  • Measure the severity of your obsessions with specific questions. Your obsessions will make you do things like research a topic extensively or talk about it 24/7. Consequently, your therapist will try to assess how involved you are with these intrusive thoughts.
  • Measure the severity of your compulsions. In other words, how much do your compulsions and urges interfere with your daily life?

As you can see, diagnosing obsessive-compulsive disorder is a challenging and challenging task for any party involved. Therefore, only a trained therapist can correctly diagnose OCD.

Frequently asked Questions

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about OCD testing.

How Do Doctors Test You for OCD?

Your therapist will diagnose you with OCD after several sessions, including long, structured “interviews.” These interviews include questions that help your therapist determine your OCD subtype, the compulsions you have, and the severity of your obsessions and compulsions.

Is there a test for OCD?

There is no universal test for diagnosing OCD. OCD is an individual disorder, which means that everyone experiences OCD differently.

Therefore, the standard test cannot accurately diagnose or detect OCD.

Can a blood test detect OCD?

Blood tests cannot detect OCD because OCD does not affect your physiological state. Also, even though OCD is a mental disorder, brain scans cannot detect OCD either.


Despite great advances in the medical field, there is no simple or universal test for OCD.

While online tests for OCD can nudge you in the right direction, the only way to get a proper diagnosis is to see a mental health professional.

Admittedly, the process of diagnosing OCD can be long, tedious, and tedious. But it’s worth it. Once you’ve received a medical diagnosis of OCD, you can finally begin your journey to recovery.

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