A Parent’s Guide to Encouraging Creativity in Children

4. Let them get a little messy. Change the rules while crafting, as kids love sticky things. If you’re worried about cleaning costs, set aside a basement or backyard area where splashes and stains are tolerable.

5. Help with hints. Even the most talented artists need help getting started. Follow the first few steps of the drawing and then ask your child to help you. Ask about what they want to do and why they want to do it.

6. Look for ideas. Always be on the lookout for new and interesting ideas. Watch nature documentaries and visit art institutions. Carry a diary with you so you and your child can write down your thoughts for future reference.

7. Make sure you have enough supplies. Be prepared for your children’s spontaneous artistic impulses or bored complaints. Keep a variety of materials handy, such as colored pencils and clay.

8. Follow your dreams. Choose activities that suit your child’s specific interests. A football fan can make a collage of photos from sports magazines and their own ticket stubs. A music lover can try making their own instruments from common household items.

9. Make it a social event. Invite other family members and friends to join you for imaginative play and adventure. Help your child upload photos of their favorite work so they can share it with grandparents or peers.

10. Set a good example. If your kids see that you are a creative person, they are more likely to do the same. Work on your tasks side by side and share your discoveries.

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