Today we will consider the main infertility problems among women and talk about a possible solution. Knowing about infertility and influence in women can help prevent more serious problems.

Infectious problems affect at least 1 couple of 6. And about 50% of all infertility cases are related to pre-fertility. Only one-third of them are associated with complete infertility.

Doctors only begin to consider the possibility of infertility if the couple has already tried to conceive for more than a year. From then on, the expert begins a series of clinical tests on both people. This decides the reason for the issue.

Most factors contributing to infertility are treatable. About 65% of infertility cases are reversible. Currently, the effectiveness of infertility treatment is quite high.


To make a proper diagnosis for female infertility problems, your doctor must perform a full physical examination. This includes a minor evaluation of the woman’s clinical history. Doctors also do tests and studies to see what is happening.

The guideline of female infertility diagnosis is as per the following.

Blood and urine tests: These tests detect the presence of hormonal problems, thyroid problems, and infections.

Cervical mucus sample: This test can help your doctor determine if ovulation is occurring.

Laparoscopy: This is a study that allows medical professionals to look for possible obstruction, adhesions, or scar tissue. Laparoscopy is a type of X-ray that detects possible abnormalities in the uterus. The image will check for problems with the uterus or ovaries.

Ultrasonography: This study consists of contrasted ultrasound and can detect uterine problems.

Pelvic and breast exams: Your doctor will also perform clinical pelvic and breast exams to evaluate your condition.

The main reasons for infertility problems in women are obstruction of ovary problems, endometriosis, poor egg quality, poly cystic ovary syndrome, and fallopian tubes.

Causes of female infertility problems

Ovulation problems

Ovulation problems occur when the egg or egg does not fully mature. It also includes cases where the ovaries do not release eggs properly. It is one of the most well-known reasons for female infertility.

The most common symptom is infrequent or no menstruation. Just as there is no discomfort during menstruation, very light or excessive bleeding is also a symptom. 30-40% of women can overcome this problem with treatment.


Endometriosis occurs when tissue in the uterine wall grows outside the uterus.

In most cases, this occurs without causing symptoms. When symptoms do occur, there is usually severe pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse. Other symptoms include abundant or abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain.

The main way to solve this problem is surgery. Up to 30% of women with endometriosis can become pregnant after treatment.

Low Quality Eggs

It is one of the female infertility problems that especially affects older women . After the age of 35, the quantity and quality of the ovaries decreases markedly. And the ovaries produce poor-quality eggs that make fertilization impossible.

Treatment for this problem includes taking fertility pills. Women who receive this type of treatment are more likely to become pregnant, with up to 55% becoming pregnant.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This problem occurs when the small follicles in the ovaries do not fully mature. This makes it challenging to deliver the egg. The main symptom is very irregular menstrual periods. Different side effects incorporate inordinate hair development and skin break out.

From lifestyle changes to surgery, there are several solutions to this problem. Most obese women managing weight loss also manage ovulation on a regular basis. The actual efficiency of the operation is up to 50%.

Blockage Of The Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes can be blocked by sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory pelvic disease, and bactericidal diseases. If there is a blockage, the egg cannot be fertilized or reach the uterus. The main solution to this problem is surgery. The outcome of the surgery depends on the woman’s age and health.

About 30% of female infertility problems have no known cause and no symptoms. However, many women overcome infertility by making lifestyle changes.

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