What to Do If You Receive a Call from 0117463 4628?

The phone number 0117463 4628 is based in the United Kingdom, specifically within the Bristol area, as indicated by the 0117 area code. This area code covers the city of Bristol and nearby locations. Like many UK-based numbers, this one has been subject to various interpretations, including legitimate business use, telemarketing, and potential scam activity.

Who Might Be Calling from 0117463 4628?

  1. Business or Customer Service Calls: Many companies, particularly in larger cities like Bristol, use local numbers to communicate with customers. It’s possible that this number belongs to a business, organization, or service provider in the Bristol area. If you’ve recently dealt with a company based there or signed up for services, this might be a follow-up call regarding appointments, orders, or inquiries.
  2. Telemarketing and Sales: A significant portion of the calls from numbers like 0117 463 4628 often fall under telemarketing. Companies, particularly those dealing with insurance, financial services, home improvement, or utilities, frequently cold-call potential customers to pitch their services. If you pick up the call and it’s a marketing pitch, you might be dealing with a legitimate business conducting outreach for new clients.
  3. Debt Collection Agencies: Some users have reported that calls from this number are from debt collection services or financial organizations. Debt collectors often use local numbers to contact individuals regarding outstanding payments or financial obligations. These calls are typically serious in nature, so it’s worth verifying any claims if this is the case.
  4. Potential Scam Calls: Several reports from users indicate that this number may also be used in scam or phishing operations. Fraudulent calls often claim to be from government agencies, utility companies, or financial institutions, attempting to scare individuals into revealing personal information, making payments, or providing sensitive data. These scam calls may use tactics such as:
  • Claiming your account has been compromised and urgent action is needed.
  • Offering too-good-to-be-true deals, prizes, or rewards.
  • Requesting financial or personal information, including passwords or banking details.
  1. Phone Number Spoofing: It’s important to be aware of the practice of phone number spoofing, where scammers disguise their true identity by using a legitimate-looking number. Even if a call appears to come from a familiar area code like Bristol, it doesn’t always mean it’s from a trustworthy source. Spoofing is a common method used by fraudsters to gain your trust and convince you to answer the call.

What to Do If You Receive a Call from 0117463 4628?

  • Don’t Share Personal Information: If the caller requests any personal or financial information, don’t provide it. Legitimate companies will not ask for sensitive details over the phone, particularly if you did not initiate the call.
  • Verify the Caller: If the person on the other end claims to represent a company, hang up and contact the organization directly using an official phone number or customer service line found on their website. Never rely solely on the number provided by the caller.
  • Be Cautious of Urgent Requests: Scammers often try to pressure you into making quick decisions by creating a sense of urgency, such as claiming that your bank account is compromised or your internet will be cut off. Always take the time to verify the information before acting.
  • Use Call-Blocking Apps: If you frequently receive calls from 0117 463 4628 and suspect they are spam or nuisance calls, consider using call-blocking apps or services provided by your phone provider. Many modern smartphones have built-in features to block unwanted numbers.
  • Report the Number: In the UK, you can report suspicious or nuisance calls to Ofcom, the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Reporting the number helps authorities track and reduce the impact of scam and nuisance calls.


While 0117463 4628 may belong to a legitimate business or service in the Bristol area, it has also been associated with reports of telemarketing and potentially fraudulent activity. As with any unsolicited call, it’s important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the caller before sharing any personal information. If you’re ever in doubt, it’s best to hang up, research the number, and contact the organization directly. Always be mindful of common scam tactics, such as urgency, pressure, or requests for sensitive data.

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