Changes that occur in the 5th week of pregnancy

Changes that occur in the 5th week of pregnancy

Find out what changes happen in the 5th week of pregnancy.

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo implanted in the uterus and is now receiving nutrients from the amniotic sac. The placenta is still in the process of being made. In the fifth week of pregnancy, pregnant women experience nausea, swelling, and many other symptoms.

If pregnancy is confirmed through a pregnancy test, it is time to go to the hospital. Your doctor will definitely check to see if you are pregnant. Your doctor may recommend some tests that you think are necessary.

Along with blood and urine tests, ultrasound is used to check the growth of the fetus. If a pregnant woman is over 35, the doctor is more likely to recommend some more specific tests. This includes amniocentesis.

These types of tests are not at all dangerous to the pregnant woman or the fetus. And if you don’t want it, you don’t have to. Pregnant women are not obligated to undergo these tests if they are reluctant. However, tests are useful to check for some disorders, such as Down syndrome.

What changes occur in the fifth week of pregnancy?

It is important to make a firm decision whether to have a baby in the fifth week of pregnancy. At this time, the embryo is about 1.3 to 2.5 cm tall and has the shape of the letter C. And after a few weeks, it will take on the shape of a human body. We can observe these changes through ultrasound examination.

This is called the triple phase of the baby’s development. It got its name because of the process of gut germ formation, in which the germ layer is formed. This germ layer consists of ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Each germ layer has its own set of basic roles.

The ectoderm is responsible for the formation of the central nervous system. The endoderm forms the pancreas, liver, intestine, and thyroid gland. And the mesoderm forms the bones, muscles, and circulatory system of the fetus.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the foundation for fetal development is laid. As intestinal germ formation is completed, some of the cells of the mesoderm play a role in creating blood vessels that form the third chorionic villi.

These blood vessels connect through veins in the embryo and umbilical cord. Finally, there is communication between the fetus and the placenta. The final function of the cardiovascular system is then formed.

The first signs of the heart in the fifth week of pregnancy

In the fifth week of pregnancy, small lungs begin to form within the reorganization. This is the heart. The fetus sits between two protective membranes that form the yolk sac, from which blood cells originate.

At this time, the neural tube begins to stretch to form the front part of the brain. And on the sides of the brain, tissue blocks are formed, which later become muscles. And the meninges and adrenal glands also originate from the neural tube.

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